Since participating in the 2022 Paradigm CTF event, I’ve been spending some of my free time going back and trying to solve some challenges that I didn’t have time or knowledge to complete beforehand. I believe that simply looking at the solutions once the event is over robs you of the real learning, so instead I spent the weekend trying to solve the Sourcecode challenge without any hints. This post covers not just the solution, but also shows what I tried along the way so if you are just looking for the solution you can scroll to the end.

The challenge

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED

pragma solidity 0.8.16;

contract Deployer {
    constructor(bytes memory code) {
        assembly {
            return (
                add(code, 0x20),

contract Challenge {

    bool public solved = false;

    function safe(bytes memory code) private pure returns (bool) {
        uint i = 0;
        while (i < code.length) {
            uint8 op = uint8(code[i]);

            if (op >= 0x30 && op <= 0x48) {
                return false;

            if (
                   op == 0x54 // SLOAD
                || op == 0x55 // SSTORE
                || op == 0xF0 // CREATE
                || op == 0xF1 // CALL
                || op == 0xF2 // CALLCODE
                || op == 0xF4 // DELEGATECALL
                || op == 0xF5 // CREATE2
                || op == 0xFA // STATICCALL
                || op == 0xFF // SELFDESTRUCT
            ) return false;
            if (op >= 0x60 && op < 0x80) i += (op - 0x60) + 1;
        return true;

    function solve(bytes memory code) external {
        require(code.length > 0);
        require(safe(code), "deploy/code-unsafe");
        address target = address(new Deployer(code));
        (bool ok, bytes memory result) = target.staticcall("");

        require(ok, "1");
        require(keccak256(code) == target.codehash, "2");
        require(keccak256(result) == target.codehash, "3");

        solved = true;

A first glance of the code indicates that we have to successfully call solve, by passing an argument code that is treated as the runtimecode for a deployed contract. The argument code needs to pass some checks in the function safe and the deployed contract must pass some conditions after being called. If all these requirements pass then the challenge is solved.

Starting with the group of three require statements:

  1. Condition 1 can be satisfied by when a call to the target contract returns successfully.

  2. Condition 2 can be satisfied by when the argument code is equal to the runtimecode of target.

  3. Condition 3 can be satisfied by when a call to the target will return its own code.

It’s possible to get the code of a contract with the opcodes EXTCODECOPY or CODECOPY, but the function safe prevents these opcodes from being in our runtimecode. I first considered there may be a way around the check as noticed the following line:

while (i < code.length) {


	if (op >= 0x60 && op < 0x80) i += (op - 0x60) + 1;


The range check for opcodes within [0x60, 0x80) is designed to handle PUSH operations from PUSH1 - PUSH32. Any data inside the push would not be considered by the safe function. I thought there may have been a vulnerability where I could have safe treat data as part of a push operation where it actually will be used as runtimecode during deployment. Unfortunately I couldn’t find a way to achieve this and figured the safe function was solid.

That left me with developing a contract that returns itself when called without the help of the EXTCODECOPY or CODECOPY opcodes. I felt stuck for a while, but after searching online I found that this type of challenge has a name: “quine”. A quine is a program that returns its own source code. With this information I learned some techniques for writing quines and started learning the Huff language to make writing this solution easier. The general solution for a quine is to have some data in the code that represents the code which can be duplicated, cut or otherwise manuipulated to eventually return the entire code.

In the end I came up with this:

#define macro MAIN() = takes(0) returns(0) {

        push16 0x8060801b17606f595259526021601ff3

        // Combine both stack entries

        // Store the push16 opcode
        msize mstore

        // mstore 32 bytes at slot 0
        msize mstore

        // Return 32 bytes

The runtimecode for this contract is:


The data in the PUSH16 is equal to all the code that follows, which you can see if I add some spacing:

6f      8060801b17606f595259526021601ff3  8060801b17606f595259526021601ff3
^       ^                                 ^

The approach that I took is to duplicate the data representing code twice, store the PUSH16 into memory and then store the duplicated data now representing the entire code (aside from the missing PUSH16 at the beginning) right next to the PUSH16. In memory we now have the entire runtimecode of the contract, and all we need to do is return it.

If you would like to follow the program execution step-by-step I have linked this contract code in here.

This challenge was a lot of fun and was a great way to introduce me to the Huff language, big thanks to the creator @rileyholterhus!